21st Century Concept 1 - Beginning 2 - Developing 3 - Proficient 4 - Transformative
Creativity and Innovation Student provides some accurate definitions and attempts to provide examples and/or translations. Student provides definitions and examples for each term. Student provides definitions and examples and translations with images or audio they have gathered or created themselves. Student provides definitions and examples and translations with images or audio they have gathered or created themselves and expands on the project in their own creative way.
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Student does not display or struggles with critical thinking and problem solving skills when navigating the web and locating definitions of assigned terms. Student displays some critical thinking and problem solving skills when navigating the web and locating definitions of assigned terms. Student displays critical thinking and problem solving skills when navigating the web and locating definitions of assigned terms. Student displays excellent critical thinking and problem solving skills when navigating the web and locating definitions of assigned terms.
Technology Literacy Student has difficulty uploading appropriate information onto the wiki. Student can upload appropriate information onto the wiki with little to no help. Student knows how to upload information onto the wiki and chooses appropriate information when doing so. Student has mastered uploading appropriate information onto the wiki.
Communication and Collaboration Student does not communicate or collaborate with other group members when uploading information on the wiki. Student communicates and collaborates minimally with other group members when uploading information onto the wiki. Student communicates and collaborates with other group members when uploading information such as what examples to use to represent each term. Student fully communicates and collaborates with other group members when uploading supporting information and examples.
Digital Citizenship Student does not meet expectations of digital citizenship while working on the project. Student fails to use the wiki appropriately. Student meets expectations of digital citizenship while working on the project. Student uses the wiki appropriately. Student abides by the expectations of digital citizenship in all aspects of the project. Student uses the wiki appropriately at all times. Student exceeds the expectations of digital citizenship in all aspects of the project. Student uses the wiki appropriately at all times.
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